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Color products

Hellema Kleurkaarten manufactures various color products; colors on almost any material and product. We always deliver with the guaranteed color fastness of Hellema Kleurkaarten. The color will maintain its original tincture and intensity. The right color is achieved through a combination of high standard technology, the right knowledge and the craftsmanship of our staff. This is what we offer.

  • Color charts
  • Color fan decks
  • Color samples
  • Color recipes
  • Automotive
  • Wooden samples
Be it mass production or customized production, anything is possible in any color range. Does the color you seek not yet exist? Or staff will get to work to develop it. “Any color you like!”

We would like to contact you, but if you wish you may reach us through info@hellemakleurkaarten.nl and +31 (0)341 427072. Hellema Kleurkaarten Harderwijk: “Any color you like!”

Color charts

Are you looking for the perfect color chart? We can manufacture and provide the color chart in any desired quantity. The color that you order will be the color you receive. We guarantee the color fastness thanks to our expertise and vast experience. Our color charts are provided in any quantity and to any type of firm across the world.

Fan decks

Hellema produces fan decks in any quantity and size, be it small or large. We develop fan decks for any industry, catering to all specific wishes and demands. We can provide the fan decks in the most divergent shapes and sizes. Our fan decks go to both national and international customers, crossing all borders. This also applies to the possibilities as there is no limit to these.

Hellema would like to be your partner for color fan decks of the highest quality.

Color samples

Are you looking for color samples for your company? We would like to provide these in any color, quantity and shape you wish.

Color recipes

We develop the color recipes you need for your paint products. We provide unicolors, micas and metallics. Hellema has an extensive archive with many samples of color recipes for remarkable colors. We also provide new color recipes. Anything is possible, we provide the exact color you wish.


Because of growing demand we increasingly provide colors for the automotive branch. Car manufacturers try to distinguish themselves more through the use of exotic color pigments. This shift requires technical know-how and experience. In developing these colors we work closely with specialists from the automotive branch and the collaboration enables us to ensure that our customers can continue to be frontrunners and they can distinguish themselves from the competition

Wooden samples

Color and wood. This combination is also possible at Hellema Kleurkaarten. We provide this color product in any quantity you may require. Do you need a tailor-made product? We will provide this in the exact color of your choice, with the color on wood having the same intensity and color fastness as your example.
