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RAL System Color Fan Decks

In the color laboratory, Hellema Kleurkaarten applies the utmost precision and color fastness to develop RAL System color fan decks that comply with the quality requirements as laid down by RAL. Hellema Kleurkaarten provides 100% legal RAL color fan decks:

  • RAL solid color fan decks
  • RAL striped fan decks
Hellema Kleurkaarten manufactures the fan decks in accordance with the latest technologies that were developed in the field of color. We provide and guarantee the highest quality of color fastness and Hellema Kleurkaarten is able to realize this because we are a frontrunner in the field of innovation for color technologies.

Originally, the RAL system had defined 40 colors. At present this number has run up to 213. The system was developed in 1927 and RAL means Reichs Ausschuss für Lieferbedingungen. The colored blades have been given a color number at the front or the back. The RAL fan decks are delivered fully assembled, including a standard front and rear deck blade. If required, these can be fitted with your logo and text. We provide tailor-made products.

Type 1 RAL Striped Fan Deck – Color Fan Deck

The type 1 RAL color fan deck measures 5.5 x 14.5 centimeter in size. The color fan deck has 43 color blades in total, each blade containing five color swatches and each swatch with a width of 1.8 centimeters. These are the 213 standard colors according to the RAL system. The color pads have a color number at the front.

The RAL fan decks are delivered fully assembled, including a standard front and rear deck blade. If required, these can be fitted with your logo and text.

Price list RAL Striped Fan Deck – Color Fan Deck

Copies Price per piece
From 1 € 9,26
From 10 € 7,94
From 50 € 6,13
From 100 € 6,04
From 250 € 5,88
From 500 € 5,81
From 750 € 5,74
From 1.000 € 5,64

Price list extra charge

If you wish to add your company logo or name to the front deck blade of the color fan decks (printed in a maximum of four colors) the extra charge will be as follows:

Copies Price per piece
From 100* € 2,96
From 150 € 2,68
From 200 € 2,52
From 250 € 2,38
From 300 € 2,35
From 500 € 2,10
From 750 € 2,00

(100 pcs is the minimum order)

Type 3 RAL Solid Color Fan Decks

The type 3 RAL color fan deck measures 4 X 10 centimeters in size and contains all the standard colors in accordance with the RAL system. At the rear of the color blades, a color number and color name are indicated in four languages.

The color fan decks are delivered fully assembled, including a standard front and rear deck blade. If required, these can be fitted with your logo and text.

Pricelist Type 3 RAL Solid Color Fan Decks

Copies Price per piece
From 1 € 25,20
From 10 € 24,74
From 20 € 23,70
From 50 € 22,22
From 100 € 20,32
From 250 € 19,33
From 500 € 18,32

Price list extra charge

If you wish to add your company logo or name to the front deck blade of the color fan decks (printed in a maximum of four colors) the extra charge will be as follows:

From 100* € 2,57
From 150 € 2,37
From 200 € 2,15
From 250 € 2,04
From 300 € 1,98
From 500 € 1,83

(100 pcs is the minimum order)

Terms and Conditions

Price: prices are excluding VAT, ex Harderwijk
Payment: Net 14 days from invoice date
In case of an invoice amount of less than € 250.00 we will charge an additional € 15.00 in administrative costs. Up to an invoice amount of € 500.00, advance payment of the order is required, after which dispatch will take place. First delivery always advance payment
Delivery time: in general, delivery will be directly from stock, large orders subject to consultation

We would like to contact you, but if you wish you may reach us through info@hellemakleurkaarten.nl and +31 (0)341 427072. Hellema Kleurkaarten in Harderwijk, the Netherlands: “Any color you like!”

Or else you can immediately place an order.
