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Hellema Kleurkaarten is always involved with color, developing color, manufacturing color. We think in terms of color and we never come to a standstill as the color industry is always on the move. Hellema uses the latest technologies in order to provide the highest quality products.

A successful collaboration resulting in a magnificent product

Developed this wonderful color collection for the Bike Segment of PPG Industrial Coatings. For more information about this color collection, or about a splendid color presentation especially for your business, please do not hesitate to contact info@hellemakleurkaarten.nl.

Pendulum 2018

Once again, we were allowed to develop the new color presentation for the Bike Division of PPG Industrial Coatings. A beautiful color palette with 52 trend colors has been created, which will be a nice inspiration for the upcoming bicycle season of 2018/2019.

Hellema Kleurkaarten on European Coatings Show 2017

Hellema Kleurkaarten is present on the European Coatings Show 2017 in de Neurenberg Messe from April 4 till April 6. Off course we would like to meet you there and show our quality products.

Farbe Fair in Munich

This year Hellema Kleurkaarten will yet again be present at the Farbe Fair in Munich (Germany). From 2-5 March you can visit us in Hall 3 at booth 204. Please join us there for a chat and a cup of coffee and to see what possibilities there are.

Or else you could make an appointment immediately by calling +31 (0)341 427072

Aid to a Nepalese village

If you have ever been mountain climbing in the Himalayas, you will have an idea of the difficult circumstances of the terrain there. Recent earthquakes have devastated the area and destroyed the infrastructure and many homes. This is why Theo Messemaker of Hellema Kleurkaarten got in touch with some old friends and offered to help. Through these connections Hellema Kleurkaarten was able to contact direct lines and with no costs for the aid organization we were able to aid 60 families in the small mountain village of Darbung in Gorkha, providing medical supplies, food and fuel and to arrange for the transportation of these.

We continue to maintain contact with the village and support the population where possible.