Hellema Kleurkaarten RAL Color Fan Decks British Standard Colors Veneer samples Color products Customers and References News Quotation & Contact

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Hellema Kleurkaarten

Hellema Kleurkaarten, specialist in color presentations. Any color is possible on almost any material. We provide the color presentation you request in exactly the right color range, based on your original sample, paint or other sample.

“Any color you like”. We are able to realize this with the use of the latest technology in combination with our very specific knowledge of products from various materials such as paper, wood, paint, coatings and UV-coating.
In its highly sophisticated color lab Hellema Kleurkaarten develops new colors for a variety of industrial applications. This is done in collaboration with a large number of national and international companies that are specialists in the field of paints and pigments and in the automobile, bicycle, fashion and furniture industries.

Hellema Kleurkaarten is a continuous innovator in the field of color. We can develop new colors and color recipes for your organization as well. With over 60 years of experience it is safe to say that Hellema Kleurkaarten is the color expert. “Any color you like!”
We specialize in the production of:
  • Color charts
  • Color fan decks
  • Color samples
  • Color recipes
  • Automotive
  • Wooden samples
Hellema Kleurkaarten provides 100% legal RAL fan decks and the 479 colors from British Standard Colors. At Hellema Kleurkaarten we guarantee color fastness and top quality and our colors will maintain their tincture and intensity.

We would like to contact you, but if you wish you may reach us through info@hellemakleurkaarten.nl and +31 (0)341 427072.
